Holy Name Society

The Holy Name Society’s purpose is to promote reverence for the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and to praise and venerate the Most Holy Name of God, promote the spiritual welfare of the members of the Parish by encouraging and assisting them to observe the practices of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, namely, the frequent reception of the sacraments, the honoring of the Most Holy Name by an active religious life, and by working against all things which offend the Most Holy Name and to assist the members to participate more intimately in the life of the Church to fulfill the demands of the Lay Apostolate.

The Holy Name Society meets on the first Monday of the month in the St. Bonaventure Chapel at 5:30 PM to recite the Rosary followed by our meeting at 6 PM in the Parish Hall. The first Sunday of the month is Corporate Sunday. We meet with the Rosary Altar Society at 7:30 AM in the Main Church to recite the Rosary before Mass.

The Holy Name Society promotes various retreats for it’s members and members of the parish. The Society also promotes and assists at parish social events. Recent events have included Oktoberfest in September and a Spring Social.

All men of the parish are welcome at our meetings. For information to join the Holy Name Society, ask any usher at Mass or call the President of the Society at the phone number listed below.

The officers of the Holy Name Society for July, 2023 thru June, 2025 are:

President – Thomas Leonard  732-995-0044
Vice President – Bob Batta
Recording Secretary – Mike Diamond
Treasurer –  Frank Petranich
Marshall – James (JP) Kennedy