Rosary Altar Society

The primary goal of the Rosary Altar Society is to praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and to secure her patronage by the reciting of the Rosary. The Rosarians also assist in the upkeep and beautification of the church, chapel and altars.

The Rosary Society meets on the first Monday of the month following the first Sunday. We meet in the chapel at 1:00PM to recite the Rosary, (offer petitions to the sick, infirmed, deceased and personal intentions), and the meeting follows in the parish hall. On the first Sunday of the month, we meet with the Holy Name Society at 8:30AM in the main church to recite the Rosary before 9:00AM mass.

The Rosarians do many works of mercy for members of the community who are in need. Some include providing necessary articles for the needy, preparing packages for the military for Valentine’s Day, and adopting a local family at Christmas.

Some of the annual events include:

  • Sponsor bus tour to Mother Cabrini Shrine in NYC, March 8th, 2025;
  • Sponsor bus tour to Poor Clares Monastery retreat in Chesterfield, NJ.
  • May Crowning to honor Mary in the Chapel.

All the women of the parish are welcome to join. You can call the Parish Center for more information.

The officers for September 2024 thru August 2025 are:

C0-Presidents:                       Loraine Diamond   &   Adele Merkle

Vice President:                      Mary Marra

Recording Secretary:           Denise Zalis

Corresponding Secretary:  Lynn Martini

Treasurer:                             Pat Kevish